think globally and act locally

A large part of our program, in addition to films in the entertainment sector, are documentaries and programs about tradition and folk song. Seriousness, moderation and validity are the triptych of the success and acceptance of the Thessaly channel.


Thessalia TV was founded in 1992 and started broadcasting in January 1993. It broadcasts digitally from the broadcasting center of Dobroutsi and analog (for the time being) from Pelion and addresses 1,000,000 television viewers in Central Greece. It is the first regional television channel in Thessaly (GPO survey February 2014) with an informative profile, while its informative site (www. thessaliatv.gr) has a large daily traffic. The emphasis is on local journalism with specialization in issues related to the local economy, sports, agriculture, local culture and activities in the field of higher education with special broadcasts for the University and TEI of Thessaly.

Our priority is to stand out for the validity and locality of the subject matter of its program, both informative and entertaining. 

Its main shareholders are combative journalists, having also worked in print journalism ("NEOS AGON" newspaper of Karditsa). The CEO of the channel, Ioannis Kollatos, is also the editorial director and columnist at the newspaper "TO BIMA" specializing in agricultural reporting.

The headquarters of the TV station is located in Larissa in privately owned facilities at 129 Iroon Polytechniou Street.

The channel's main supporters are the hundreds of professionals who advertise in its 22 years of operation and its tens of thousands of viewers every day.

The television station emerged as the voice and image of the Thessalian countryside as it holds the first place in television viewing - even among the pan-Hellenic channels - in several semi-urban and rural areas.

Technical installations

The central production studios are located in the city of Larissa in privately owned facilities on Ir Street. Polytechniou 129 with state-of-the-art means of image and sound recording - production - processing based on international standards of quality and technology. Thessalia Television also has state-of-the-art studios in Volos, Trikala and Karditsa with which it makes live connections on a daily basis through permanent radio links, while with its HD (High definition) satellite link (DSNG) there is the possibility of a live connection with Athens, Thessaloniki but also with any point in Greece and Europe.

Thessalia TV has already moved into the new digital era with state-of-the-art digital equipment. The entire production line is based on a tapeless environment. The state-of-the-art streaming room and Master control are equipped with a 6-channel HD video server in a MAC OS environment and a 50TB storage space, all connected to each other with fiber optics. The Computer Graphics department is equipped with the latest technology. For the external workshops (ENG) 10 HD Panasonic P2 solid state cameras have been procured.

The channel operates in DVCPRO 50 16:9 format, while the broadcast in high definition (HD) will soon begin.

Our privately owned facilities in Larissa (500 sq.m.) include 4 sets for the channel's broadcasts, editing rooms, post production, editorial room, makeup, dressing rooms and storage areas for the station's archives.

News and broadcasts are also produced and edited in the studios of the other Thessalian cities.